How Is E-waste a Major Concern for the Environment?
How many phones, Tvs, laptops and other electronic devices do you purchase in a year? There is not a single year that passes without purchasing any electronic product. We are so heavily dependent on electronic items these days that the e-waste has become an inseparable waste from our lives.
The rapid expansion of technology and the consumption driven society results in the creation of e-waste in large quantities and hence, it causes environmental pollution. Today E-waste is considered the fastest growing waste in the world.
In 2018 an estimated 50million tonnes of e waste was reported and the UN named it ‘tsunami of e waste’
In 2019, 53.6mt e waste were generated globally and out of that only 9.3% recycled, remaining e waste still remains uncertain. Since then to the current date, the figures are growing with every passing day.
Unknowingly it affects our lives thousands times more severely than we could think of. E Waste affecting our
1 land
2 water
3 air
4 industries and its performance
5 health related issues and many more
Important point to note here is:
1. India is currently the fifty largest e-waste producer of the world. Approximately 2milion e-waste is generated every year. E-Waste is emerging as the extremely severe reason for health and environmental issues.
2. Though, India is focusing on reducing ita electronic waste and encouraging many companies to step forward. But still, 90% of e-waste remains untouched. Hence, it affecting our lifestyle and Health.
Ways to reduce e-waste:
The question to ponder here is what we can do to reduce e-waste and very specifically how? There could be top three possibilities to it. Let’s discuss it below:
1. Recycling regulations:
While e-waste recycling firms may be earning good figures for themselves due to the govt of India’s support, it also possesses certain kinds of health and environmental risks. Like: more than 90% of waste are recycled and collected informally by the kabadiwalas or radiwalas. The problem arises is:
A) it causes many health issues to them and also those who are working with them.
B) due to lack of proper knowledge, they are harming the environment unknowingly by burning or dumping wastes.
Therefore, a proper regulatory framework for recycling waste must be introduced and environmental training programmes to save lives and the environment.
2. Social and economical action:
By taking Social and economical aspects into account, we can reduce the wastage by manifolds. But how can it be done?
A) imposing limits on generating e-waste
B) exchange and discount offers on purchasing electronics. So that the waste product goes back to the respective company itself.
C) rewards and offers on purchasing less electronic goods
D) regulations on manufacturing industries e-waste
E) producing less pollutants items
3. E-waste policy:
Initially active government participation needed to draw e-waste policy and then companies to join in. The companies engaging in noble environmental causes should be charged with less percentage of tax So that more and more companies come forward to do that.
Having said that, much can be done to save the environmental issues from e-waste. It should be our priority and motto to make the world free from harmful e-waste effects or come in support of those who are engaging in such activities.
Techchef e-waste company has been engaging in reducing e-waste for the last 2years. The company is expanding its capacity for handling e-waste to protect the future generations.
Come in forward with us to protect your health and your future generation by calling us at 91–9910288223